About the Meditation Hall
Cut Off from the Outside World and Achieve Realization within a Set Timeframe: Chanqi: Enter into the First 7-Session Meditation Chan Qi of Shaolin Temple in Gengzi Year
Shaolin Temple’s “Chan Meditation Improving Session” Completes Successfully in Wuxu Year
Shaolin Temple’s Sub-Temple--the 7-Day Earth Store Assemlby of Miaoyan Chan Temple, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, Completed Successfully
“Beginning of Chan Session” of Diligence Being Completed in Shaolin Temple in Dingyou Year
make a fuss about trifles rather than underplaying a big issue
What are the Three Gems (Tiratana)?
Why is the site of the Buddha’s first sermon looked upon as more important than other sermon sites?
Would you please give a brief account regarding his life after Sakyamuni attained Buddhahood?