
DharmaActivities More

The 7th Day of the Water and Land Dharma Function in Shaolin Temple in Xinchou Year
The 6th Day of the Water and Land Dharma Function in Shaolin Temple in Xiuchou Year
The 5th Day of the Water and Land Dharma Function in Shaolin Temple in Xinchou Year
The 4th Day of the Water and Land Dharma Function in Shaolin Temple in Xinchou Year

CulturalExchange More

A Group Led by Dr. Palitha Kohona, Sri Lankan Ambassador to China Visits Shaolin Temple

A Delegation Led by Shi Yongxin Visits Austrian Shaolin Cultural Center for Communication and Guiding Work2021-09-09

Shaolin Temple Supports CCTV Programs on China’ s Youth Day2021-09-09

Shaolin Kungfu and Chaohua Blowing-song Take Part in the Concert of the Intangible Cultural Heritage2021-09-09

President Li Daqing of the Japan-China Association Visits Shaolin Temple2021-09-09

Charity More

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Shaolin Monks Celebrate Group Birthdays for Students from Shaolin Charity House

Abbot Yongxin Attends the Farewell Party of Shaolin Charity House’s Students Admitted to Universities2021-09-09

Shaolin Temple Hosts the Global Shaolin Charity Commendation Internet Conference2021-09-09

Shaolin Disciples from around the World Banding Together to Fight the COVID-19 Being Honored on the China Charity Day2021-09-09

Toronto Shaolin Cultural Center Hosts “Blue Sky, Vast Earth” of the Public Welfare Activities Successfully2021-09-09