Indonesia Shaolin Cultural Center Invited to Attend the Customer Festival of the China Life Insurance activities in Indonesia

In the Art: 1 New Museum of West End of Jakarta in Indonesia, the Indonesia Shaolin Cultural Center was invited to attend the Customer Festival of the China Life Insurance in Indonesia and teach people healthy Shaolin regimen on June 18, 2022 local time.

During the outbreak, the Indonesian government advocates the concept of Indonesia Care focusing on clean, health, security and environment. The event takes the Shaolin Regimen Qigong as the subject and makes people healthy by taking exercises when experiencing traditional Chinese culture and Shaolin Regimen. Holding the event aims to make people be able to experience the Shaolin regimen training method.

During the time, Shi Yanhao explained Shaolin regimen is a unique regimen integrating mind cultivation, fitness and health preserving. It plays a regulatory on the nervous system, circulatory system and visceral health care, especially the digestive system and respiratory system. Shaolin regimen practice can enlighten people’ s wisdom and strengthen the body.