“wushu” (武术) does not encompass the definition of the term “gong-fu” (功夫)
The definition of the term “wushu” (武术) does not encompass the definition of the term “gong-fu” (功夫). Actually the definition of “wushu” is merely a portion of the definition of “gong-fu”, because “gong-fu” encompasses <1> wushu and <2> moralization of a wushu practitioner’s psyche. Wushu is capable of changing its practitioner’s constitution, while moralization of a wushu practitioner’s psyche concerns itself with his outlook. Although practicing wushu bears on a practitioner’s constitution, physical strength, willpower, and vitality, yet it cannot change his outlook. But in the case of Shaolin gong-fu training, moralizing a gong-fu trainee’s line of conduct means helping him with carrying on his self-cultivation program.