The Diamond of Perfect Wisdom Sutra
金 剛 般 若 波 羅 蜜 經
Chinese translation by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva
姚 秦 三藏 法師 鳩摩 羅什 譯
1. Convocation of the Assembly
Thus I have heard. Once, the Buddha was staying in the Anathapindada’s Park at Jeta Grove in Shravasti, with a community of 1,250 bhiksus. When it was mealtime, the World Honored One put on his robe, took his alms-bowl, and went into the great city of Shravasti, going from house to house to beg for food. This done, he returned to his abiding place, finished the meal, put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, arranged his seat, and sat down.
法 會 因 由 分
第 一 如是我聞•一時佛在舍衛國•祇樹給孤獨園•與大比 丘眾•千二百五十人俱•爾時世尊食時•著衣持缽• 入舍衛大城乞食•於其城中•次第乞已•還至本處• 飯食訖•收衣缽•洗足已•敷座而坐•