2. Subhuti Requests the Teaching

2. Subhuti Requests the Teaching

Then, the elder Subhuti in the assembly arose from his seat,  bared his right shoulder, knelt on his right knee with his palms  joined, and respectfully addressed the Buddha: “How  remarkable, World Honored One, that the Tathagata is evermindful of bodhisattvas, protecting and instructing them well!  World Honored One, when good men and good women resolve  to attain unsurpassed complete enlightenment (anuttara-samyaksambodhi), how should they abide their mind, and how should they  subdue their thoughts?”

The Buddha said, “Excellent! Excellent! Subhuti, it is as you have  said. The Tathagata is ever-mindful of bodhisattvas, protecting and  instructing them well. Now listen attentively, and I shall explain it for you: Good men and good women who resolve to attain  unsurpassed complete enlightenment should thus abide and  subdue their thoughts.” The Venerable Subhuti said: “Yes,  World Honored One. We are listening with great anticipation.” 

善 現 啟 請 分 第 二

時長老須菩提•在大眾中•即從座起•偏袒右肩•右 膝著地•合掌恭敬•而白佛言•希有世尊•如來善護 念諸菩薩•善付囑諸菩薩•世尊•善男子•善女人• 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心•云何應住•云何降伏其 心•佛言•善哉善哉•須菩提•如汝所說•如來善護 念諸菩薩•善付囑諸菩薩•汝今諦聽•當為汝說•善 男子善女人•發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心•應如是住• 如是降伏其心•唯然•世尊•願樂欲聞•