4. Unattached Practice of Charity

4. Unattached Practice of Charity 

“Furthermore, Subhuti, in the practice of charity, bodhisattvas  should abide in nothing whatsoever. That is, to practice charity  without attachment to form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or  dharmas. Subhuti, bodhisattvas should practice charity this way,  without attachment to anything. Why? If bodhisattvas practice  charity without attachment, their merits are immeasurable.  Subhuti, what do you think? Is the space in the eastern direction  measurable?” “No, World Honored One, it is immeasurable.”  “Subhuti, is any of the space above or below, in the four  cardinal directions, or in the four intermediate directions  measurable?” “They are immeasurable, World Honored One.” “Subhuti, the merits attained by bodhisattvas who practice  charity without attachment are also immeasurable like space. Subhuti, bodhisattvas should abide in this teaching.”

妙 行 無 住 分 第 四 

復次須菩提•菩薩於法•應無所住•行於布施•所謂 不住色布施•不住聲香味觸法布施•須菩提•菩薩應 如是布施•不住於相•何以故•若菩薩不住相布施• 其福德不可思量•須菩提•於意云何•東方虛空可思 量不•不也•世尊•須菩提•南西北方•四維上下虛空•可思量不•不也•世尊•須菩提•菩薩無住相布 施•福德亦復如是不可思量•須菩提•菩薩但應如所 教住•