7. No Attainment, No Teaching

7. No Attainment, No Teaching

“Subhuti, what do you think? Has the Tathagata attained unsurpassed complete enlightenment? And does he explain the  Dharma?” Subhuti said: “As I understand the meaning of what  the Buddha has said, there is no fixed teaching called  unsurpassed complete enlightenment. And there is also no fixed  teaching that the Tathagata can convey. Why? The Dharma  explained by the Tathagata cannot be grasped or explained. They are neither Dharmas nor non-Dharmas. How is this so? It  is because all the saints and sages are distinguished by the Unconditioned Dharma.” 

無 得 無 說 分 第 七

須菩提•於意云何•如來得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提耶• 如來有所說法耶•須菩提言•如我解佛所說義•無有 定法•名阿耨多羅三藐三菩提•亦無有定法•如來可 說•何以故•如來所說法•皆不可取•不可說•非 法•非非法•所以者何•一切賢聖•皆以無為法而有 差別•