8. Real Merit Has No Merit
“Subhuti, what do you think? If a person fills a trichiliocosm with the seven jewels and gives them away in charity, wouldn’t the merit attained by this person be great?” Subhuti said, “Extremely great, World Honored One. Why? The nature of merit is empty; therefore the Tathagata says that this merit is great.” The Buddha said: “But if a person comprehends and follows even a four-line verse of this sutra, and teaches it to others, this person’s merit would exceed that of the former example. Why? Subhuti, all buddhas and all of their teachings on unsurpassed complete enlightenment originate from this sutra. Subhuti, that which is called the Buddha Dharma is not the Buddha Dharma; therefore it is called the Buddha Dharma.”
依 法 出 生 分 第 八
須菩提•於意云何•若人滿三千大千世界七寶•以用 布施•是人所得福德•寧為多不•須菩提言•甚多• 世尊•何以故•是福德•即非福德性•是故如來說福 德多•若復有人•於此經中•受持乃至四句偈等•為 他人說•其福勝彼•何以故•須菩提•一切諸佛•及 諸佛阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法•皆從此經出•須菩提• 所謂佛法者•即非佛法•是名佛法•