11. Merits of this Sutra

11. Merits of this Sutra

“Subhuti, what do you think? If there were as many Ganges  Rivers as the grains of sand in the Ganges, wouldn’t the amount of sand contained in all those Ganges Rivers be great?” Subhuti  said, “Extremely great, World Honored One. If even the number  of the Ganges Rivers is innumerable, how much more so their  grains of sand?” “Subhuti, now I tell you truthfully: If a good  man or good woman fills as many trichiliocosms as the grains of  sand in all those Ganges Rivers with the seven jewels, and gives them away in charity, wouldn’t this merit be great?”  “Extremely great, World Honored One.” The Buddha said to  Subhuti: “If a good man or good woman is able to comprehend  and follow a four-line verse of this sutra and teach it to others,  their merit will be far greater.”

無 為 福 勝 分 第 十 一

須菩提•如恆河中所有沙數•如是沙等恆河•於意云 何•是諸恆河沙•寧為多不•須菩提言•甚多•世 尊•但諸恆河•尚多無數•何況其沙•須菩提•我今 實言告汝•若有善男子善女人•以七寶滿爾所恆河沙 數三千大千世界•以用布施•得福多不•須菩提言• 甚多•世尊•佛告須菩提•若善男子善女人•於此經 中•乃至受持四句偈等•為他人說•而此福德• 勝 前福德•