Chapter 4

悟此法者,即是無念憶、無著,不起妄,用自真如性,以智慧觀照一切法不 取不捨,即是見性佛道。

善知識!若甚深法界般若三者,須 修般若行,持誦《金剛般若經》,即得見 性。當知此經功德,無量無邊,中分明,莫能說。此法是最上,為大智人 說,為上人說。小小智人聞,心生不 。何以故?

如天雨於閻浮提,城邑聚落流,如漂棗葉。若大海,不。若大 若最上人,聞說《金剛經》,心悟解,故知本性自有般若之智;自用智慧常 觀照故,不假文字水,不從天有, 興致一切眾生一切草木蒙潤。百眾流入大海,為一體。眾生本性般若之智亦復如是。

 When you are awakened to this teaching, there is “no  thought”— you are free from recollection and attachments,  and do not give rise to delusions. From your own true  suchness, illuminate and observe with wisdom, neither  grasp nor reject anything—this is to see your true nature  and attain Buddhahood. 

 Noble friends, if you wish to enter the most profound realm  of reality (Dharma realm) and the samadhi of prajna, you  must cultivate prajna paramita, uphold and recite the  Diamond Sutra, then you will realize your true nature. You  should know that the benefits of this sutra as clearly  extolled in the text itself are boundless and immeasurable  and cannot be fully conveyed in words. This is a teaching  of the Supreme Vehicle and is spoken for the benefit of the  very wise and those with superior faculties. When those  with lesser faculties and little wisdom hear it, their minds  give rise to doubts. Why?

  Just as when the celestial dragon sends rain to Jambudvipa,  the cities and villages will be flooded and drift about like  leaves and twigs. But should it rain on the great ocean, the  ocean water will neither increase nor decrease. When  practitioners of the Great Vehicle or Supreme Vehicle hear  the Diamond Sutra, their minds awaken and are open to  true understanding. We therefore know that the wisdom of  prajna is inherent in our nature. By always using this  inherent wisdom to illuminate and observe clearly, we need  not rely on words. Similarly, the rains do not originate from  the sky but are brought forth from the ocean by the celestial  dragon, to nourish all animates and inanimates, sentient  beings, trees, and grasses. Hundreds of streams flow into  the ocean and merge into one body. Such is the prajna  wisdom of our intrinsic nature.