三世諸佛,十二部經,在人性中本自具有, 不能自悟,須求善知識指示方見。若自悟 者,不假外求;若一向執,謂須他善知識方 得解脫者,無有是處。何以故?自心內有知 識自悟。若起邪迷,妄念顛倒,外善知識雖 有教授,救不可得。若起正真般若觀照,一 剎那間,妄念俱滅;若識自性,一悟即至佛 地。
善知識!智慧觀照,內外明徹,識自本心。 若識本心,即本解脫。若得解脫,即是般若 三昧,即是無念。何名無念?若見一切法, 心不染著,是為無念。用即遍一切處,亦不 著一切處;但淨本心,使六識出六門,於六 塵中無染無雜,來去自由,通用無滯,即是 般若三昧,自在解脫,名無念行。若百物不 思,當令念絕,即是法縛,即名邊見。
Buddhas of the past, present, and future and the twelve divisions of the Canon are fully present in our nature. If you cannot enlighten yourselves, you should seek out masters for guidance; if you can, you do not need to seek externally. Moreover, it is wrong to rely solely on a master for liberation. Why? Because the mind has a master within, it can enlighten itself. If you give in to erroneous, deluded, and distorted thoughts, even a great master’s teaching would be futile. If you give rise to genuine prajna contemplation, in an instant all deluded thoughts will cease; if you realize your inherent nature, you awaken and you arrive at the stage of a buddha.
Noble friends, by observing and contemplating with wisdom, which illuminates within and without, we realize our original mind. Realization of the original mind is true liberation. To attain liberation is to attain prajna samadhi. Prajna samadhi is “no thought.” What is “no thought”? To understand and perceive all dharmas, with a mind free from attachment and defilement, that is “no thought.” When in use, this mind pervades everywhere, yet it does not cling to anything. We only have to purify our mind so that the six consciousnesses exit the six gates (senses) without being contaminated or defiled by the six dusts (sense objects). Coming and going freely, the mind functions without hindrances, that is prajna samadhi; that is to be free and liberated. That is the practice of “no thought.” But if we suppress all thoughts and do not think of anything, that is Dharma bondage and is an extreme view.